Thursday, October 18, 2012

The iPhone 4S Is More Than Its Name Implies

What's in a name? A lot, apparently; and it could both be for better and worse, depending on how you choose to look at it.

See, I've been trying to sell my iPhone 3GS to have a little extra cash when I finally purchase the new iPhone 4S. Ever since its release, I've been salivating with glee at the thought of finally having the 4S in my hands.

A lot of my friends think I'm crazy, though. "Don't sell your old iPhone," they all said. "Wait until the iPhone 5 gets released next year. Don't be too impulsive."

Yeah, sure, okay. Not that that's bad advice or anything, but I have been holding on to my old iPhone for more than a couple of years now. I think now's as good a time as any to make another gadget purchase; especially one as innovative and exciting as the iPhone 4S.

A lot of people often mistake the iPhone 4S (as well as the iPhone 3GS, for that matter) as a mere nominal upgrade. I can't really blame them though. The smartphone's name is misleading, after all.

Think about it: Say you were on the market for a new car. You're looking for something practical, maybe even bordering on a family-type model; but you still want it to be a bit brawny. The dealer then recommends you try out the Subayota Lancelica. You take it out for a test drive and check out its response times, smoothness, and whatnot. You decide that it's right for you, so you go back to the dealer and tell him so. "But wait," he says. "Would you also like to try out this other model? For just $500 more, you could be the proud owner of the Subayota Lancelica S!"

"S?" you think. "What the heck does that stand for? Swindle? Sham? Scam? Will buying the 'S' make me a Sucker?"

If you're not the type to judge the merits of the Lancelica S based on just the arguably unimpressive name, you'd find out that the "S" stood for "Supercharged." As in, the Lancelica S swaps the stock engine for a supercharged one; a steal at just an additional 500 bucks.

You see what I'm getting at.

The iPhone 4S is often belittled by the uninformed as a dispensable upgrade to the previous iPhone 4 model. If they'd bothered to get their facts right, they'd discover that the 4S is actually more than that. So much more.

It's got the A5 chip which gives it more processing power. It still has the admittedly awesome Retina Display, it has a very much improved iSight camera, and it is capable of running the new iOS 5 (and by extension the iCloud) at optimal levels. These are all very impressive upgrades and features; but if there's one thing that truly lets the iPhone 4S make its mark, it's that it is the first (and currently, only) gadget to have a program that you can talk to and instruct, and that talks back to you.

Yes, Siri is that big of a deal. Welcome to the future.

Now excuse me while I find out where to sell my iPhone 3GS for the most amount of cash...

Sell your iPhone used or broken! Sell iPhone 3GS, Sell iPhone 4 at All shipping and packaging is pre-paid and free. Sell your old iPhone today, top cash paid!

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